Part three of a four blog series on cloud software for business continuity. Missed part 2? Click here!

Cloud Software Strengthens Your Business Continuity Plan

The cloud does the work for you so you don’t have to feel like you’re in a Hollywood disaster film.

How The Cloud Does the Work For You

Cloud-based computing gives you best-in-class, data center security systems at a level no business alone can afford. All production data is stored immediately to redundant locations. “Hot backups” can restore your data rapidly and reliably. Extensive disaster recovery documents ensure crisis management is handled promptly and without fanfare.

Let’s look at a few of the specifics of how the Oracle | NetSuite software solution from InnoVergent provides enterprise-class data management, security and availability that helps ensure your business is resilient to disasters. As the world’s largest cloud ERP vendor, run by more than 40,000 organizations, Oracle | NetSuite provides the cloud infrastructure to ensure businesses can run their business management applications in the cloud with complete confidence.

Application Security – Advanced functionality secures the application including role-based access, strong encryption, robust password policies and more.

Operational Security – Stringent round-the-clock monitoring tools, controls and policies and a dedicated tenured security team ensure the strongest security for customers.

Data Management – Data management policies and infrastructure provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that your data is completely replicated, backed up and available whenever you need it. You enjoy reduced risk with enterprise-class data management processes and policies. Multiple levels of redundancy ensure you get continuous access to your data, and replication and synchronization across data centers provide you with the utmost disaster recovery confidence.

Availability – Oracle | NetSuite’s enterprise-grade redundant infrastructure enables it to provide world-class uptime, averaging 99.96% for more than the past five years.


The question is really about how many resources your organization can dedicate to data and application security to protect your data and how that compares with the expertise and resources the cloud vendor will deploy.

Are you ready to take the first step? Contact us at

Next: Cloud Software Strengthens Your Business Continuity Plan – Part 4