Most companies today know that their management reporting is not as good as it should be. Many however are slow to take action to correct it. We believe strongly that a good management reporting system is not a ‘nice t have’, but essential to a well-run business, much like an ERP or general ledger. For those that don’t fix this problem there are real costs involved. If a manager cannot readily access the information they need to make a decision they will most likely involve others in the search for this data. Precious resources will be redirected from high-value analytical tasks to data gathering, retrieval, cleaning, and formatting. In some cases if the right at a can’t be found and presented in a timely manner a key business decision may end up being made without sufficient supporting information. In a worst case scenario, where there are multiple data sources the wrong data may be presented and a decision is made based on misinformation. On a daily basis, lacking the ability to get the right info ration to the right people at the right time can put a company at a significant competitive disadvantage. Their peers may be faster at analyzing the potential revenue opportunities of a new market trend for example and ending up being the first to capitalize on it. …