Do you have the information you need to forecast sales performance right now? Do you have fingertip access to customer satisfaction or lead conversion? Or is it buried in spreadsheets, homegrown systems or personal SFA applications?
NetSuite’s delivers built in real time dashboards, reporting and analytics enabling your sales, marketing and service team to monitor personalized Key Performance Indicators and get access to the latest reports as part of their everyday activities. And with NetSuite, they diagnose issues on the fly with drill down visibility to the sales opportunity, customer record, or sales quote detail—and quickly take action to drive business performance.
- Get a real time view into sales, marketing and customer service performance
- Create more accurate sales forecasts, and set quotas based on fact not opinion
- Measure, manage and improve customer satisfaction
- Monitor lead conversion and web site metrics
- Eliminate multiple versions of the truth with a single centralized repository
- Empower everyone with fingertip access to key sales, service and marketing measures
- Gain visibility to from summary, down to the actual live transaction.
Real time CRM dashboards
- NetSuite’s dashboards communicate information quickly, effectively and in real time. Whether a sales person, sales or marketing VP, or customer service manager, NetSuite equips them with the right information at the right time:
- For sales: The sales team get instant access to key measures such as achieved vs. quota; actual versus sales forecast; commissions; sales pipeline by stage; % net new customers versus those up-sold
- For customer service: The service team can quickly identify % calls resolved; monitor First-Call Resolution (FCR) metrics; analyze customers renewing maintenance; see call volume and trends as well as monitor customer satisfaction
- For marketing: The marketing team gets instant lead to close metrics; number of website unique visitors; lead-generation form completion; customer acquisition costs; and much more
- For executives: Get cross company visibility into financial and CRM measures—financial measures such as bookings and billing, sales pipeline measures and customer service performance.
Everyday Analytics
- Because NetSuite’s dashboards are built into the application your sales, service and marketing team benefits from the latest information as part of their day to day activities, whether closing business or closing service calls
- In addition to Key Performance Indicators and shared reports, they get a heads up on required daily tasks, from attending a meeting, viewing opportunities through to closing customer tickets.
Detailed Visibility from Summary to Detail
- With NetSuite, your sales and customer service team can get down to the detail they need to take action
- For example, sales executives get the visibility the visibility they need to manage from a total sales pipeline measure, to a sales pipeline by stage report, even down to the opportunity level—with only a few clicks.
Powerful Ad hoc Analysis
- NetSuite provides powerful ad hoc analysis to enable you to create any report you need on the fly
- Empower the sales and marketing team to create their own reports and manage their performance, all from a web browser. No more having to wait for IT for the report you need, and no more maintaining data in spreadsheets, NetSuite reports are easy to create, share, or email
- Simply select the subject area, and layout your report—even share it with colleagues, or add it to your daily dashboard, it’s that easy.
Securely Access Business Insights from Anywhere
- Your sales team is mobile—and Netsuite provides the sales and customer performance insights they need from anywhere, whether from a web browser, or a mobile device such as the Apple iPhone
- Whether visiting a customer, or simply on the road—your sales team gets access to the key measures they need when they need them, whether a customer’s sales YTD, or the number of calls they have logged with customer service, the information is available in real time at their fingertips.
Document Management Software
- Manage and Publish key documents online in NetSuite CRM
- Restrict access to documents as needed to provide better internal controls
- Imrpove productivity by providing access to documents 24/7 from any location